What is SEF?

Welcome to Shawwa Education Fund (SEF)

In spring 2015, around 30 Shawwa family members met in Amman, and decided to establish an Education Fund, out of a genuine sense of responsibility towards those less fortunate in the family with the potential to create positive long-term advances at an individual level in particular and for the family in general.

And on May 5th 2016, the "Constituent" General Assembly met at the Amman Four Seasons Hotel, where the Memorandum of Articles of Association was approved and a Board of Directors was elected. Thus, the Shawwa Education Fund is now officially launched.

Although most of the beneficiaries are in Gaza, many are in diaspora, and since education is at the heart of nearly everything we value as Palestinians, contrasted with the grim reality of inadequate educational opportunities for many of our family's youth, our Fund aspires to give such valuable opportunity to all we can possibly reach.

The Fund will cover all expenses for vocational studies, undergraduate studies, and graduate (Masters and Doctorate) studies in Palestine and the Arab region, while in the western countries the Fund will only be for post-graduate studies.

To learn more about the Shawwa Education Fund (SEF), and to be a member of its General Assembly where you can assist us in funding and managing this noble family project, please register in this site to enable us to contact you.

Once you register, our administrator will provide you with your username and password that will enable you to enter the SEF website and learn all about the Fund details, and how you can become a member in the General Assembly of the SEF. Moreover, the information provided at registration will assist us in building the Shawwa family tree.

Our aim as a family is to give all our cousins, male or female, the opportunities they deserve.

Our Objectives

  • Primarily, to assist, develop and enhance education of Shawwa family members and to offer them equal educational opportunities in the fields of technology, science, medicine, arts, commerce and various other educational disciplines.
  • To secure sufficient budget and ensure continuity in the flow of monetary reserves/funds to the SEF from and through agreed upon means and resources.
  • To identify, approach, coordinate and facilitate with appropriate educational, training and vocational training institutions conducting various educational disciplines that create demand within the job market and to update the Shawwa family members with appropriate educational opportunities.
  • To grant the Shawwa family members with technical, vocational training, under-graduate, and post-graduate scholarships under various educational disciplines, on merit basis.
  • To facilitate and grant awards to the meritorious students amongst the Shawwa family members who have scored outstanding ranks academically each year. 
  • To support, assist and facilitate various educational activities and events for the students of the Shawwa family members such as events and activities related to science, technology, arts and other educational disciplines;
  • To establish, fund, sponsor or otherwise participate in various educational projects introduced by the students of the Shawwa family members for the benefit of the Shawwa family members.
  • To occasionally conduct, participate, undertake and pursue such other educational activities, projects and events for the development, enhancement and improvement of the Shawwa family members upon the decision agree upon by the SEF members. 

صندوق الشوا للتعليم

إنطلاقاً من حس صادق بالمسؤولية تجاه عموم أفراد الأسرة في أرض الوطن والمهجر؛ اجتمع عدد من أبناء عائلة الشوا في ربيع سنة 2015 بمدينة عمّان،  وتوحدت إرادتهم على تأسيس صندوق للتعليم يدعم أبناء وبنات عمومتنا  في سبيل الحصول على الفرص التعليمية التي يصبون إليها، الأمر الذي سيؤدي بالضرورة للارتقاء بالأسرة على المستويين الفردي والعائلي.

وفي الخامس من مايو 2016 اجتمعت الجمعيّة العمومية التأسيسية في فندق الفور سيزونز في عمَّان وتم الموافقة على النظام الأساسي وانتخاب مجلس إدارة للصندوق ويعتبر هذا الاجتماع هو نقطة الانطلاق الرسميّة لصندوق الشّوا التعليمي.

‎يسعى الصندوق لتغطية نفقات الدراسات المهنية والجامعية، وحتى الدراسات العليا (الماجستير والدكتوراه)، في فلسطين والدول العربية، بينما ستكون تغطية النفقات في الدول الغربية للدراسات العليا فقط. كما سيكون الصندوق متاحاً لجميع أفراد عائلة الشوا حول العالم، ويجدر التنويه أن المنح تقدم للطلبة والطالبات سواء كانت  الأم أو الأب من أسرة الشوا.

‎لمعرفة المزيد عن صندوق الشوا للتعليم، ولتصبح عضواً فيه وتقوم بمساعدتنا بتمويل وإدارة هذا المشروع العائلي، يرجى التسجيل عبر هذا الموقع الإلكتروني لتزويدنا ببيانات الاتصال بك.

‎عند إتمام التسجيل سيتولى مشرف الموقع تزويدك باسم المستخدم وكلمة سر تتيح لك إمكانية الدخول لموقع الصندوق والاطلاع على كافة المعلومات والتفاصيل المتاحة بما في ذلك كيفية الانضمام للجمعية العمومية، كما أن تزويدنا ا بمعلوماتك الشخصية ستساعد في عملية بناء شجرة العائلة.

‎هدفنا عائلة تمنح كل فرد من أفرادها، شاباً كان أو فتاة، الفرصة التي يستحقونها.